
Vowel Sounds (Album)

(more info)

Released September 2023

Nanny State Fiddler


Released July 2022

Recordings from live performances at venues, festivals, and events.

I've been blessed to play music and relay my hopes for the future of the internet all over the world, from Nashville to Cape Town to Osaka to Prague.

Recordings that may or may not have music, but where the focus is talking about (and perhaps performing a live demo of) compelling innovations.

"After we're done with the music, it's gone. Why shouldn't they take it home with them?" - Jerry Garcia

Music, Recordings, and Artwork are released pursuant to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Feel free to distribute, remix, and do whatever pleases you with this music, as long as you attribute the creators. You can listen to it via legacy platforms like spotify and bandcamp (and, at your discretion, purchase my albums from various platforms if you want to support me in this way). Please share via bittorrent, IPFS, or a censorship-resistant mechanism of your choice.